
Our impact

Participating in a Cycle Momentum program puts your start-up in the best possible position to make a significant environmental impact.

How? by working with a team of experts to find the right words to persuade buyers and strong arguments to demonstrate value creation to investors. it's also the opportunity to connect with a network of key players in the climate tech sector.

+$450 M
Raised capital
Survival rate
Jobs created and maintained

What we offer

We uniquely address value proposition, marketing, financing, and intellectual property with industry experts, experienced entrepreneurs, and active investors.

Our programs help refine your approach to showcase solution benefits, align development and marketing plans, secure funding, and set growth milestones. we believe in your ability to deploy solutions that address climate change, and we are here to assist you in doing so.

At Cycle Momentum, we support you in the development of your business. All our programs are tailored to your project’s stage of development and your specific needs so that you can experience real acceleration.
Join our network and benefit from complete support in developing your business.
Access workshops led by experts in key areas of entrepreneurship.
Benefit from personalized mentoring by a senior entrepreneur who understands your challenges and can guide you to success.
At Cycle Momentum, we’ve developed a full range of resources so you have more options for raising money: The Circle of Partner Funds, Origo program and dedicated public funding.
The Circle of Partner Funds is made up of over 40 members who commit to our mission, strengthen investor participation in the cleantech ecosystem and stimulate investment in innovative technology companies and entrepreneurship within the sector. This group of investors, which represents more than 3.5 Billion of Capital, is engaged in the activities of Cycle Momentum and many benefits have resulted from this collaboration.
Public financing
Joining Cycle Momentum also gives you access to a wide range of public funding programs worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Get your start-up off the ground with these essential financial resources.
Industrial network
In addition to the group of mentors, experts, and members of the Circle of Partner Fundsthat we have gathered around our programs, we have developed a network of industrial and corporate partners, allowing us to establish real connections between start-ups and their potential clients.
Meet your future partners
Our goal is to foster and accelerate successful collaborations between large companies and climate tech start-ups to scale the innovations and to deploy the solutions required for the energy transition. We also actively collaborate with local and international ecosystem actors to create value-added synergies for the benefit of entrepreneurs and businesses.
Open innovation
Open innovation programs foster collaboration between industry partners and the climate tech start-up ecosystem. This collaborative effort aims to find sustainable and effective resolutions to identified issues, promoting impactful changes.
Industrial network


We provide support for your start-up’s development, with programs customized to your project’s specific growth stage.

Benefits for startups

Tangible gains for your start-up.

Our partnerships empower early-stage companies to thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of sustainable technology.

Acceleration of your start-up development through a 6-month sprint
Optimization of the search for relevant investors through our exclusive events and the Circle of Partner Funds
Access to potential customers through Cycle Momentum's industrial partners
Save time and avoid obstacles with the experience of our mentors and experts who have faced the challenges you are currently encountering


Accelerated Companies


You have questions, we have answers. Let’s discuss.

We have already participated in another accelerator. Why would we apply to Cycle Momentum?
Our programs are dedicated to helping climate tech start-up founders. We are experts in the sector. Through mentoring, you benefit from the guidance of experienced entrepreneurs who have walked in your shoes, asked the same questions, and faced the same challenges and our experts take you from theory to practice. Joining the Cycle family connects you to our VC world through our network and the Circle of Partner Funds. You’ll get help understand and navigate through the private financing process. Finally, the Cycle family is also a network of the world’s leading climate tech companies in a wide range of sectors.
You have several calls for applications open. Which is the right one for my start-up?
We often run multiple initiatives concurrently that target start-ups at various stages of maturity. Some are contests with prize awards, others offer networking and pilot project opportunities with large companies looking for solutions, and finally, we provide support programs for early-stage businesses, primarily acceleration programs. If your company meets the criteria for several of them, I invite you to apply for each one. The application process is light and there is no harm in filling an application. If there is no fit for one particular case, it will put your start-up on our radar as a potential candidate for future initiatives.
How do you choose which start-ups to work with?
Our team conducts an initial screening of applications based on eligibility criteria and program requirements. We first eliminate proposals that do not meet our basic criteria, whose submitted applications are incomplete, or whose developments are too late or too premature. We pay special attention to the team because we believe it is as important as the business project or the proposed solution. The last phase of the selection process is then handled by a selection committee consisting of industry experts.
Do you give feedback on application results?
We don't provide feedback on application results. If we did this, we'd spend all our time providing feedback and doing nothing else due to the volume of applications we have to process.
Do we need to incorporate before applying?
Yes, the great majority of our initiatives targets incorporated start-ups, not just projects.
Can I apply if I’m not from Canada?
Yes and no. We have initiatives open to start-ups from all over the world, some are limited to start-ups located in Canada and others for Quebec only.
When is the deadline to apply?
Deadlines are specific to each program, so please consult the brochures for the program you are interested in to find out more.
Can we apply more than once to one particular program?
Yes. In a typical Cycle Momentum program, one third of the companies applied multiple times before being accepted. If you've applied before and not gotten in, we strongly encourage you to apply again. Having made progress since your last application is a strong signal to us.
If we participated in another accelerator, can we still apply for an acceleration program?
Yes. We've had many companies join Cycle Momentum after doing another accelerator, often a less specialized one or specialized in another vertical (like AI for example).
Where do the acceleration programs happen? Do I need to move to Montreal?
No, our programs mostly take place remotely to provide both flexibility for entrepreneurs and to allow us to recruit mentors and experts more widely. That being said, some programs may require a physical presence on our premises at key moments, as well as for the final pitch day.
Why do you insist on teams? Do you accept solo founder?
Yes, we sometimes accept solo founders. That said, starting a company is tough, and you're more likely to succeed with a co-founder. No one is good at all things. Typical founders have a technical background. Building a company is also about marketing and selling, hiring, accounting and budgeting, understanding legal stuff and regulations, etc. A team will have, or will develop, skills in more areas than if you’re just alone. You’ll need your team members to pick you up when you get down (and you’re the one who’s going to help them through when they get down).
What if I have more questions before I apply?
Let us know what they are — they are welcome. Email us at

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